Pushcart Prize Nominees

pushcart_cyclopsWe’re tremendously excited to announce our Pushcart nominees for this year, which are currently on their way to the prize committee in the capable claws of our Mail Delivery Tauntaun.

Here they are, in alphabetical order:

Nicola Belte, “Dippin’ and Dustin’,” issue 41 (April 2013)

Amanda Chiado, The Birth of Houdini,” issue 45 (August 2013)

Kelsie Hahn, “The Hermitage,” issue 46 (September 2013)

Christopher Lettera, “Together, We Can Save a Life,” issue 38 (January 2013)

Gary Moshimer, “Saving Jesus,” issue 48 (November 2013)

y.t. sumner, “Bazaar,” issue 42 (May 2013)

Congratulations to everyone who was nominated, and a round of hearty applause for all the writers whose stories (and poems) have appeared in our pages; we’re honored you chose to share your work with us.

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