They say you shouldn’t belabor a point, but we will: Eirik Gumeny’s new sequel to Exponential Apocalypse kinda kicks ass and you should buy it. (Especially, since it’s only like three bucks on Kindle.)

And that’s not the only Gumenyism crackling over the Whispernet. Ever wonder what would happen if a down-on-his-luck Jesus met up with the devil in Jersey? Question answered in Eirik’s new novelette, Devil Went Down to Jersey.

(As I’ve said before, if you enjoyed Dogma, I think you’ll really dig this one. But if you’re one of those people who protested the film outside a multiplex, you might want to skip it.)

But there’s absolutely no reason — ecumenical or otherwise — not to pick up We’re Going to Die Here Aren’t We? It’s a collection of Eirik’s finest tales from places like Monkeybicycle, Thieves Jargon, Red Fez, and, of course, Jersey Devil Press. There’s at least one Pushcart nominee in the batch, as well as my personal favorite story by Eirik, “Bagel.”

So get on it already? Both e-books are free…oh, wait. I’m sorry; they’re not free. That’s right. The giveaway ended on Friday night. Shit. How much do they cost now? What?! 99 cents!! Are you frakkin’ kidding me?! That’s less than the price of a stamp! (Right?)

So for five bucks (or like one-eightieth the price of an upper-deck ticket to an NFL game) you can can get the novelette, a great collection of short stories, and the amaze-ball novel, Exponential Apocalypse: Dead Presidents.

(And, just to be clear, you really don’t need an actual Kindle. Amazon will download the software to your computer and you can read the stuff there. That’s how I do it because I’m technologically backward in addition to being wildly off base about postal rates.)

Or course, if you want to surprise your sweetie with an actual hard copy of EA2, we’ve got you covered too. Nothing looks better under the tree than a rampaging dinosaur.

So get with the GUMENYMANIA!