Issue 119, January 2023

tyrannosaurus morning, Rob Yates
“put the orchids down there / and watch out for the spine. // it came up in the night like that memory / you hug far too tight”

Waterloo, Nikk Williamsi
“He swaggered along the lip of the pool—she held her breath, knew what came next. 
The noise that could destroy daylight, could shake you awake.”

Independent Horror Movie: Post-Credit Scenes Explained, Jeanine Skowronski
“The girl’s demons join hands; they push. Our pair falls to floor. Alice rolls and mounts Edgar. She pulls the coffin-handled bowie knife from her boot, wraps her fingers around its obsidian rivets and presses the blade to his neck. ‘You knew,’ she hisses.”

Mending, Elizabeth Porter
“As brittle shale pops against the fire / The ghost of an ancient hemlock splinters slowly / A wet and hissing peel. Bark from marrow”

five haiku, Edward Cody Huddleston
“deep sea/ every sound becomes / Cthulhu’s call”

Velma, Micah Cozzens
“That’s my last trophy dripping on the wall, / from when we last unmasked the Dread Undead— / the claws protruding through are such wet red, / but blood here is never real, not at all— / My friends and I solve mysteries for kicks,”

Cover art: Jersey Devil Soup, Samuel Snoek-Brown