Issue 111, January 2021

At Stone Harbor, Askold Skalsky
“That was my surf- / surrendered self. How good it was not to resist the walls / of sea, unstem the waves crashing over me like a cliff.”

Night Diner, Nikolaj Volgushev
“The Night Diner isn’t always there, but when it is, it serves the best coffee in town, or so you’ve heard.”

Unemployment, DS Maolalai
“the reading  / of second-hand novels. books / you have handy, and have read / before. no wine— / just black coffee”

Diamond, Hamdy Elgammal
in winter diamonds fade / superseded by the fireplace’s warmth // that never reaches far enough”

A Locked Room Mystery, David Stevens
“While horrified, she was not totally surprised the next morning when, as she wheeled herself to an early breakfast, she encountered in the passageway outside her cabin, the mutilated half body of a liveried waiter.”

The Mesh, Zackary Sholem Berger
“The night angles shut like a lid. / The day collapses, is elided / Into a mesh of what I did”

Cover art: Untitled (cave), Carocta