Three Scifaiku

Deborah P Kolodji



those fierce Martian



planted trees
in the surface dome
forest bathing



unbridled drones
the year of the horse





DEBORAH P KOLODJI moderates the Southern California Haiku Study Group and is the former president of the Science Fiction Poetry Association. She has published 4 chapbooks of poetry, over 1000 poems, and has appeared in several anthologies, including “Aftershocks: Poetry of Recovery,” The Red Moon Anthology, the Rhysling Anthology, Dwarf Stars, and A New Resonance 4. She has published several short stories and a memoir appears in Chicken Soup for the Dieter’s Soul. Her first full-length book of haiku and senryu, “Highway of Sleeping Towns,” from Shabda Press won a distinguished book award from The Haiku Foundation.