I Prefer Extortion – The X Makes It Sound Cool

the world's most flammable novelAre you there, internet? It’s me, Eirik.

I know you’re busy, what with your terabytes of donkey porn and bad-mouthing one another anonymously and everything, but I have a favor to ask: I need your money.

$25 gets you a paperback of Love Me — early, before the common folk can lay their hands on it — plus an e-book of Screw the Universe by Stephen Schwegler and myself. We’ll probably throw in some magnets, too, because, hey, why not?

Now, I know some of you have your own books you’re raising money for *cough*Dick Cheney Saves Paris*cough* but we’re flexible. If you can’t donate $25, donate $10 or $4 or a quarter. Every little bit counts. Every five bucks is one more review copy, every forty cents is most of a stamp. And every donation, regardless of amount, gets a free e-book of Screw the Universe.

Ultimately, though, this is bigger than just Love Me, or me or Steve, or possibly even Danger, this is about Jersey Devil Press as a whole. Quite frankly, we can’t afford to produce another anthology right now — or another novel or short story collection — and I know a lot of you want us to. We want to, too. But unless you buy Danger’s book, or our other books, or just toss us a couple bucks, it’s not going to happen.

So help us help you help Danger help us help you help our next author. Donate to Jersey Devil Press today.

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