SHAKE AWAY THESE CONSTANT DAYS, now available in every eBook format known to humankind.

Just a heads up to everyone out there in Etherland that Ryan Werner’s debut collection, Shake Away These Constant Days, is now available for your reading pleasure in just about any electronic format you care to name. Kindle. Smashwords. Nook. And probably some others you haven’t even heard of. All for just $1.99.

Two bucks for this amazing book in e-format is more than money well spent. Seriously, it’s a great collection, but don’t just take our word for it:

“Each of the stories in Ryan Werner’s Shake Away These Constant Days ends with a sentence that’s a fist to the ribs. The collection builds into repeated shots to the soft part of your guts, a beautiful pummeling. By the end of Shake Away These Constant Days, you won’t even notice the bruises, the missing teeth, the pain. You’ll only want to go another round.” – Sarah Rose Etter, author of Tongue Party

“Ryan Werner’s debut marks the arrival of an important new voice: quirky, world-wise, and as joyfully rambunctious as your favorite punk rock song. Listen up. You’ll be glad you did.” -Tom Cooper, author of Phantasmagoria and Barataria

Also, check out the great review Curbside Splendor gave Shake Away These Constant Days.

And speaking of reviews…if (or should we say “when”) you read Ryan’s book and inevitably fall in love with it, a review would be fantastic — whether it’s on Amazon, Smashwords, or the side of the nearest wall. Word of mouth is essential in the indie lit community, so please help us let folks know what an incredible read Shake Away These Constant Days is.

UPDATE: Ryan’s giving away a couple of hard copies of Shake Away These Constant Days over at Goodreads. (But you should still probably get an e-copy for $1.99 just to be on the safe side.)


The debut collection from Ryan Werner

“Each of the stories in Ryan Werner’s Shake Away These Constant Days ends with a sentence that’s a fist to the ribs. The collection builds into repeated shots to the soft part of your guts, a beautiful pummeling. By the end of Shake Away These Constant Days, you won’t even notice the bruises, the missing teeth, the pain. You’ll only want to go another round.”
— Sarah Rose Etter,
author of Tongue Party

Ryan Werner’s debut marks the arrival of an important new voice: quirky, world-wise, and as joyfully rambunctious as your favorite punk rock song. Listen up. You’ll be glad you did. — Tom Cooper, author of Phantasmagoria and Barataria

Order your copy now!

Of Kickstarters and Bacta Tanks

JDP Founder Eirik Gumeny at an undisclosed location in New Mexico. Or possibly Hoth.

As noted in his recent tweet, JDP founder and book guru, Eirik Gumeny, has, unfortunately, been laid up in the hospital for the past week. Pictures of Bacta tanks notwithstanding, this is for real and serious, though he’s going to be okay.

The other good news, in terms of the release of Shake Away These Constant Days, is that pre-arranged shipments to places like Amazon should go through and the book will be available there on Tuesday as planned. The bad news is that copies purchased via the Kickstarter or the JDP site will have to wait until Eirik returns to good health — hopefully in a week to ten days — as those things are all headed to New Mexico, which is where the rest of us JDP folk, well, aren’t. Since Eirik also handles the Kindle voodoo, there will also be a slight delay in getting Ryan’s book available in that format too and in getting out electronic copies of the book to those who have them coming as a Kickstarter reward.

We know supporting a Kickstarter is an act of faith as much as it is of generosity these days and we want everyone to rest assured they’ll get their copies of Ryan Werner’s amazing book. We just need you to wait a bit longer. We seriously appreciate your patience.

And if you could keep a good thought for Eirik’s health, too, all the better.

Thanks again to everyone who supports Jersey Devil Press.